六月七日星期二晚間六點半 POTLUCK

By June 4, 2011 回顧過去 No Comments


感恩大恩的上師  尊貴的拉祝仁波切的指導及細心安排



敬愛的佛學教授堪布 寧瑪 將於六月七日星期二晚間搭乘十點多的班機離開溫哥華了


我們一起為 堪布餞行及聊聊天喔! 歡迎帶道家鄉美食或拿手好菜供養

中心會準備炒麵與炒飯, POTLUCK後想送機的師兄弟們也可以到機場送機喔!

Dear Vajra Brothers,

Thanks to our Guru H.E. Lhatul Rinpoche’s thoughtful planning,

we believe each and everyone of us have received great benefits from the one month teaching.

Our honorable Khenpo Nyinma will be deaprting Vancouver on June 7th (Tuesday) at 10pm.

Hereby, we would like to invite all the vajra brothers, family and friends to come and have potluck at center on June 7, Tuesday night starting at 630pm.

As a farewell party, we encourage all vajra brothers come by and perhaps bring your special dish to share.

After potluck we will be driving Khenpo to the airport for his flight. Everyone are welcome to join.